Your cash will be dispensed! Other coins should confirm within 10 minutes in almost all cases, but Bitcoin transactions may never confirm if you send too low of a fee. You may touch «Other» for additional options or «Redeem» if you’ve already been notified that you can withdraw cash under a previous redemption code. Crypto Assets. BitQuick Step-by-Step. Latest News. Athena Bitcoin can help you access the world of cryptocurrency.
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Step Two: Select the amount of cash you’d like to withdraw
The Dayton, Ohio-based company, now enables users to purchase and sell Bitcoin in a peer-to-peer manner with cash in nearly every state within the United States. Athena Bitcoin is a company that is proud to add more ways to purchase cryptocurrency on top of its 16 ATMs located nationwide. Now with its recent acquisition of the platform BitQuick the company can offer the general public an even broader spectrum of buying and selling opportunities. BitQuick says it searched extensively for a partnership and began discussions with the Bitcoin ATM provider. Mubaslat believes Athena has a solid reputation within the crypto-industry by providing instant access to cryptocurrency throughout the Midwest. Mubaslat is pleased to operate with Athena and spread mainstream adoption further saying:.
Athena Bitcoin ATM — Philadelphia
What to read next
How to Use a Paper Wallet. Just remember that you must send the precise amount of digital currency at, not dollars. In these cases your wallet balance should be the same as from before you came to the ATM. All our other ATMs are buy-only. Need help? Bitcoin Cash. Fast Get real digital currency faster than any online exchange. Read our Guide to using BitQuick. Latin America. It doesn’t prevent you from receiving cash in exchange for bitcoin. Interested bicoin purchasing your first bitcoin from one of our machines?
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