They often open at least two or three of these packs in succession and can’t be bothered to list each individual item for their actual worth, we call these people ‘lazy sellers’. Full details on our EA Access blog. Once you’ve found a mass-listed item with low competition, filter the max bid price appropriately. Our take is — don’t be greedy. You can set price filters encompassing a number of items and hover between pages around the 59th-minute mark, but the snag with this is that you will need to know the exact current value of quite a few different items. Call of duty. As long as you’re winning items and flipping them for profit you’re doing well.
Ultimate Edition
Published on by FutEconomist 28 Comments. Seasoned traders and investors will know that the early release of the web app is ultimmate of the best opportunities to make coins all year. Player prices constantly shift as market prices adjust to huge influxes of items and coins. These conditions create the perfect opportunity to earn a war chest of coins so that you can start building your competitive FUT Champs squads and get a ultumate up on the competition. Before ap dive in, let’s start with the basics: The official release date of the web app is set for September 21st with the companion app launching shortly after on the 22nd. EA confirmed these dates in an article on their website. Of note here is that the official EA Access date is also on the 21st.
Get total control of your FUT Club on the go with the FUT Web App.
Even many top FUT traders would agree with this, as it gives you the freedom to trade away from your console. Sniping, or to snipe, is essentially the act of buying a FUT card moments after it has been listed. Due to the time-sensitivity of these types of auctions, this can result in you losing out to other users by fractions of a second. This information is golden, as it allows users to instantly purchase any player simply by clicking a single key on your keyboard. If you’re fed up of always being out-sniped on great deals in FUT auctions, then this really is a game changer! This is essentially the same thing as BIN sniping buy it now. The default and most common auction duration is one hour, meaning that the majority of new listings on the FUT transfer market will appear just under the hour mark, hence the term ’59th-minute method’.
1. Nail the basics
Published on by FutEconomist 28 Comments. Seasoned traders and investors will know that the early release of the web app is one of the best opportunities to make coins all year. Player prices constantly shift as market prices adjust to huge influxes of items and coins. These conditions create the perfect opportunity to earn a war chest of coins so that you can start building your competitive FUT Champs squads and get a leg up on the competition.
Before we dive in, let’s start with the basics: The official release date of the web app is set for September 21st with the companion app launching shortly after on the 22nd.
EA confirmed these dates in an article on their website. Of note here is that the official EA Access date is also on the 21st. However, it is likely that players will be able to play as soon as the 20th.
This will shake things up significantly for Xbox users. We’ll get more into that later. EA have also made a much requested improvement to the web app this year. Our fingers are crossed hoping that the UI is more streamlined the clunky experience on the companion app.
Finally, you’ll want to make sure that your account is ready to go. Be sure to check out EA’s article on how to make sure everything is in line. Once you’ve logged into the web app, if you are a returning FUT player, you’ll have a number of loyalty packs waiting for you. The value of these packs will vary with how long you have been a FUT member. Long term players will receive better packs. Do your favorite good luck ritual and open those packs!
Now that you have a fair number of players and consumables in your club, it’s time to start thinking about what you should sell and what to. As a general rule, you’ll want to sell the majority of what you pack. That includes, balls, kits, stadiums, contracts, bronze keepers, and everything in.
We are looking to scrap together coins whatever way possible. As the old saying goes, «You need money to make money. However, if a item is «investment grade» you’ll want to hold onto. These are items that we believe people will mistakenly undervalued at the start and, therefore, have the potential to rise.
We’ll cover what types of items those are in a later section, but if you have any specific questions that you want to run by us, feel free to ask us on Twitter. Now that you have some coins to play with, it’s time to layout a few strategies to help you amass your FUT fortune:. Let’s first go over some trading strategies. Trading strategies take advantage of short term inefficiencies in the market while the prices of players and consumables settle. A combination of low patience and players that might not know any better often result in players and consumables popping up on the transfer market listed below their value.
And that’s where we come in…. Great for new FUT traders, or players who don’t have much time. This strategy relies on the technique of mass bidding on «low» value gold items, which one then sells at higher Buy Nows. Not much risk, but steady profits make this an ideal starting option.
Place bids on items that have desirable stats i. You may not win ultimate team web app trading your bids, but you will undoubtable score some sweet deals. Relist your items for a profit, but make sure to keep their Buy Now at a competitive price.
Rinse and repeat. The Silver Card trading method uses many of the same mass bidding principles as the NR Gold method; however, a FUT trader can take it to the next level by targeting specific players. This strategy is recommended for traders with at least a basic knowledge of the market, as well as have a decent supply of patience.
Although there is a slight level of risk, and it can take time to find deals, this method allows traders greater flexibility with a higher possibility of scoring some major profit. Place bids on items that have desirable stats, or play in big leagues. Remember, you may not win all your bids. Relist your items for a profit, but make sure to keep their Buy Now competitive.
Option 2 — Targeting specific items may require some preliminary research, or it can be picked up by identifying trends of undervalued players from Option 1. The point is to find players with desirable stats, or in big leagues that are constantly listed at low starting prices.
Most deals will be picked up through Open Bids, yet be on the lookout for the rare Buy Now opportunity. When the game first drops, there will be plenty of new and impatient players who whimsically list their extremely valuable players. This presents the perfect target for all you item snipers.
You’ll have to be in the right place at the right time, but the profit from this strategy can be limitless. Develop specific price filters by researching the player’s current market price. The strategy will work best when used at popular times for packs, such as right after school p.
Bonus points for creating filters that include multiple players in the same search! The infamous ‘BPM’. This strategy might be best used if you already have a sizable coin total. There is a lot of risk in opening bronze packs at the start of FIFA 18, yet the endorphins of opening packs combined with the prospective reward make this an attractive strategy.
How it works: Open coin Bronze packs. For more stable returns, you’ll want to be able to open about at a time can be limited by transfer list size at beginning of FUT. List every item for sale! It only takes a few items to sell to break even; however, be prepared to list items multiple times. Often items need to be listed a few times, so patience is required. Tip: A substantial boost to the method’s effectiveness comes if there is a SBC requiring bronze players.
With the potential for an early league SBC, this could be something to keep an eye on. For those hip side-stream traders, there are two other areas of the market to exploit. Often, traders get caught up in the potential glory of flipping player items for massive profits and forget about how effective consumable trading with club items and consumables can be!
If you don’t trust your fashion instincts you may be better served heading over to the kit and badge section of Futhead and sorting by likes to see which badges, kits, and even stadiums are the most popular. Once again, you can employ mass bidding techniques once you get an idea for how much a certain item has the potential to go.
Rare Consumable Flipping — With no games being played when the Web App first drops, many players disregard consumables. There are plenty of ripe deals on Position Modifiers, Chemistry Styles and Squad Fitness, but we’ll delve deeper into this in our next section. While trading strategies take advantage of short term inefficiencies, investing strategies take advantage of medium to long term price changes that hopefully provide larger profit margins when it comes time to sell.
Behind every investing strategy, there needs to be a good thesis and every good thesis starts with an understanding of market conditions. With that in mind, before we dive into the strategies, let’s go over a number of market conditions that will likely play out at the start of FUT When developing a FUT investing thesis, there are three main factors you’ll need to consider: the supply of items, the demand for items, and the supply of coins.
These three factors work together to help determine market prices. With this in mind, the early stages of the FUT market can be broken down into three broad stages. Xbox players should note that they are essentially skipping this stage this year because EA Access is set to drop at the same time as the web app possibly. The major shift here is that players can load up FIFA points.
This leads to a huge influx in items, both upper and lower tier. As far as demand goes, most of the time, the demand for high level items actually outweighs supply as big spenders tend to quickly amass a small fortune from FIFA points and funnel that demand to the high end players.
Worldwide Launch — The market undergoes yet another shift when the game officially launches worldwide. The number of new, casual players eclipses the existing player base and their loyalty packs and whatever money they put into FIFA points works to push out huge volumes of items at all levels.
Since most of these players are causal, their demand is skewed towards the lower tier players. This means that the mid-upper tier players tend to take a temporary hit before rebounding in October, but we’ll save that for another postand lower tier, OP players bump up significantly.
Now that we have the lay of the land, so to speak, let’s lay out some methods you can follow. Remember that before investing in any of these methods, it’s important to have a plan for when you are going to buy and at what price point. The same goes for selling. The Method: One of the most lucrative methods last year was investing in the regular golds items of OTW candidates before their gold items went out of packs while their OTW version was in packs during the first week of the game.
Thesis: This method could prove effective again this year. When the regular gold items goes out of packs, the supply of that item is put under pressure. The price of the OTW item will be price prohibitive for most, meaning their only option will be to buy a more expensive regular gold item.
This works particularly well for players that are classed as OP. You can prepare your list of potential investments by checking out our OTW predictions. Thesis: This essentially follows the same logic as the OTW investing method.
When the gold item is replaced by the inform item in packs, the supply is pinched and prices usually rise. A note of caution. This method is extremely popular and may fall victim to overinvesting.
Thesis: In the beginning of the game, the supply of coins is spread thin, but the supply of high end packed IFs tends to be on the high. This means that these early TOTW players can go for relatively reasonable prices with the potential to rise dramatically over time. The Method: This method consists of buying valuable consumables for cheap while they are in low demand before the full release of the game, and holding them until the console versions drop.
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Comment — Please enter number above. Full details on our EA Access blog. Always good selling and buying players ultimate team web app trading out and about for when back on the console. Soon, though…. Once you’ve found a mass-listed item with low competition, filter the max bid price appropriately. Login to the web app below using the head symbol. Just be warned that experimenting with the cards required is more fiddly qpp using the in-game equivalent. If you are familiar with FUT trading, you will know just how common it is for items to fly under the radar and sell for less than their market value.
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