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To celebrate Natsuki Subaru ‘s birthday, the author writes a story which deviates from the original web novel. They are around four times longer than normal web novel chapters and in these chapters, it is shown what would have happened if Natsuki Subaru did something contrary from what he actually did. Each of the What IF stories resemble one of the seven deadly sins. The actual chapter starts after the fourth arc. After Subaru made the contract with Echidna, he decided to use his Return by Death to solve all of his problems, in his goal to save everyone and eventually make Emilia king.
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Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Kenshi Store Page. Global Achievements. Hey. Nowim posst the point when city is protected by 8 well trained turret guards and they can deal with all dangersbut high men cannibal raids. Alsoi have hydrophinics tech ,and I plan to set up an automatic shopwhere I will sell food and meds.
Idea is to buy 2 buildingswhere I will grow up 3 ressources and produce food-medsand another to sell item. I readthat those two categories are the most universal. I build a plst building an put there breadmeds long ago and 0 sales since. Inside the cityis you ask.
The question is- WTF? Am I doing something wrong? Cause no point in setting up my trading postsif auto-trade doesnt work :. Showing 1 — 8 of 8 ap. Witski View Profile View Posts. Last edited by Witski ; 5 Aug, am. Make sure your store building and base; if store building is in base is NOT set to private!
Buiding is openpublicbla bla blaall is set up as supposed to be. AlsoI setted up this modespecially to run a trade. Well the fun part is — «Making purchaise» as a goal for AI is displayedand ppl come into the shop ,but aapp, thats it. The NPCs actually have their own money, and call only buy what they can afford. I’ve seen them buying stuff in past updates, and apparently rf gain a certain amount of money each day to spend.
Temper View Profile View Posts. Standard mod use warning applies Trwde still work. Last edited by Temper ; 6 Aug, am. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 5 Aug, am. Posts: 8. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved. All trademarks are rre of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
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